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Top 10 Things To Do In August & September

A new school year is upon us, and it’s time to get that yearbook started! It seems like there’s a … Continued

August 19 is World Photography Day

Picture it…France…1839. Louis-Jacques-Mandé Daguerre knows he’s on to something with an invention he had started working on in 1929 with … Continued

New Manroland LED Press

We at Friesens have a steadfast commitment to innovation and customer satisfaction.  We are excited to announce that our new … Continued

Welcoming Newcomers – The Friesens Way

There’s a familiar saying, “Don’t judge or criticize someone until you’ve walked a mile in their shoes…” and it strikes … Continued

Les meilleurs livres du 21e siècle selon le New York Times

Recently, the New York Times released their list of the best books of the 21st century. The list was voted … Continued

Mise à jour de l'épreuvage couleur

We have recently upgraded our colour proofing system to the GRACoL 2013 standard, this is the latest standard released by … Continued

La poursuite incessante de l’innovation et de la technologie

~ Byron Loeppky, Friesens VP of Books Every successful business looks for ways to improve in efficiency, technology and innovation. … Continued

Lectures essentielles de l’été

It’s finally summer! Time to grab a cold beverage, find a comfy chair in the sun (preferably by some water), … Continued

État actuel de l'industrie du papier

~ by Andrew Fennell, Friesens Vice-President of Finance In many respects, 2024 has been a more stable year thus far … Continued

L'importance de la communauté

At Friesens, located in the heart of Altona, Manitoba, community is a meaningful way of life. We recognize that our … Continued