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Couleur Pantone de l’année : Viva Magenta

“WELCOME TO THE MAGENTAVERSE” Pantone announces in crisp, white text, overlaying an incredible image of what looks to be bark … Continued

Programmes Adobe : quelle est la différence ?

So you’re preparing to design your pages, and you’ve been hearing about the incredible number of files Adobe has for … Continued

Friesens est un gagnant !

Friesens is proud to be the recipient of four Canadian Print Awards and two honorable mentions. Receiving these awards is … Continued

Comment est réalisée la couverture d'un annuaire

So your yearbook has content, but do you have a cover? Do you have a cover idea, or even a … Continued

Les jalons des clients célébrés avec la présentation Quilt

There has been a long tradition at Friesens with presenting quilts to customers who have had a long relationship with … Continued

Vous êtes un conseiller de l'annuaire ! Maintenant quoi?

Welcome back to school! Classes have begun and you’re preparing for your next yearbook. That’s awesome! So…What’s Next? Here at … Continued

Équité, diversité et inclusion

By Chad Friesen, CEO At Friesens, we are trying to build a better business by increasing our collective understanding and … Continued

Campagne de dons dirigés par les employés Friesens 2022

Every year, employee-owners at Friesens Corporation have a chance to vote for their favorite charity, and the voting process determines … Continued

Histoire de développement durable – Transformer des cartons obsolètes en quelque chose d'utile

By Mark Friesen, Industrial Park Operations Manager What happens to cartons ordered for boxing books that are the wrong size, … Continued

Configuration simple

By Brad Schmidt, Colour Tech Support Specialist When working on a book design, there seems to be an infinite number … Continued